
How to keep birds out of barns

As a farmer, you know the importance of protecting your crops and livestock from pests and other threats. One common issue you may face is birds getting into your barn and causing damage or contaminating your feed. Not only can this be a nuisance, but it can also have serious consequences for your farm’s productivity and profitability.

So, how do you keep birds out of your barn? Here are some tips and strategies to try:

1. Cover up any openings

Birds are attracted to open spaces, so the first step in keeping them out of your barn is to make sure there are no openings they can fly through. This includes windows, doors, vents, and any other gaps or cracks.

You can use a variety of materials to cover these openings, such as mesh screens, plastic sheeting, or wood planks. Just be sure to secure the coverings firmly in place so the birds can’t find a way through.

2. Install bird spikes or netting

Bird spikes and netting are both effective at deterring birds from perching or nesting on ledges, beams, or other flat surfaces. These materials are often made of stainless steel or plastic and are designed to be sharp or slippery, making it uncomfortable or impossible for birds to land.

You can install bird spikes or netting on the outside of your barn or on the inside, depending on the layout and your specific needs. Just be sure to use caution when installing these materials, as they can be sharp or slippery and may pose a hazard to humans or animals.

3. Use sound deterrents

Birds are sensitive to sound, so using devices that emit loud noises or distress calls can be an effective way to keep them away. There are a variety of commercial bird deterrents available, such as ultrasonic devices or speakers that play bird distress calls.

You can also try using a simple noisemaker, such as a whistle or a loud clap, to startle the birds and discourage them from coming back. Just be sure to use these methods sparingly, as constant loud noises can be stressful for both humans and animals.

4. Set up decoys

Another option is to set up decoys or models of predators, such as owls or hawks, in or around your barn. These can be effective at deterring birds, as they mimic the presence of real predators and make the barn seem like a less attractive place to be.

Just be sure to regularly move the decoys around, as birds can become accustomed to them if they are left in the same spot for too long.

5. Use chemicals or repellents

In some cases, using chemicals or repellents may be necessary to keep birds out of your barn. These products are typically sprayed on surfaces or applied to seeds or feed, and they can be effective at deterring birds without causing harm.

There are a variety of chemical and natural repellents available, so be sure to research and choose one that is safe and appropriate for your situation. Just be aware that these methods may require frequent reapplication and may not work on all species of birds.


Birds can be a nuisance in barns, but there are several strategies you can use to keep them out. By covering up openings, installing bird spikes or netting, using sound deterrents, setting up decoys, or applying repellents, you can protect your crops and livestock and keep your barn free of unwanted feathered visitors.


What are some common ways birds get into barns?

Birds can get into barns through open windows, doors, vents, or any other gaps or cracks in the building. They may also fly in through open doors or through holes in the roof.

How can I cover up openings in my barn to keep birds out?

To cover up openings in your barn, you can use mesh screens, plastic sheeting, or wood planks. Just be sure to secure the coverings firmly in place so the birds can’t find a way through.

Are bird spikes and netting effective at deterring birds?

Yes, bird spikes and netting can be effective at deterring birds from perching or nesting on ledges, beams, or other flat surfaces. These materials are often made of stainless steel or plastic and are designed to be sharp or slippery, making it uncomfortable or impossible for birds to land.

What are some natural repellents I can use to keep birds out of my barn?

There are a variety of natural repellents that can be effective at deterring birds, such as chili pepper, garlic, or spicy herbs. These can be mixed with water and sprayed on surfaces or applied to seeds or feed. Just be aware that these methods may require frequent reapplication and may not work on all species of birds.

Can I use chemicals or repellents to keep birds out of my barn?

Yes, in some cases, using chemicals or repellents may be necessary to keep birds out of your barn. These products are typically sprayed on surfaces or applied to seeds or feed, and they can be effective at deterring birds without causing harm. Just be sure to research and choose a product that is safe and appropriate for your situation.

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