
How to keep cats out of fireplace

Are you tired of constantly finding your feline friend lounging in the fireplace? Don’t worry, you’re not alone. It’s a common problem for cat owners, and it can be frustrating trying to figure out how to keep cats out of the fireplace. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Why would someone want to keep the cat out of the fireplace

There are several reasons why someone might want to keep their cat out of the fireplace. Here are a few common ones:

  • Safety: The most important reason to keep your cat out of the fireplace is to prevent accidents or injuries. Cats can get burnt if they come too close to the flames, or they may get stuck or injured if they try to climb up into the chimney. By keeping your cat out of the fireplace, you can help ensure their safety and prevent any serious injuries.
  • Damage: Cats can also cause damage to the fireplace or chimney if they get inside. They may scratch or chew on the wood or brick, or they may accidentally knock over logs or other objects that could start a fire. Keeping your cat out of the fireplace can help prevent this kind of damage and keep your home safe.
  • Mess: Cats can also make a mess in the fireplace if they get inside. They may track in dirt, leaves, or other debris, or they may knock over logs or ashes. By keeping your cat out of the fireplace, you can help keep it clean and tidy.
  • Personal preference: Finally, some people simply prefer to keep their cat out of the fireplace for personal reasons. They may find it unsanitary or unpleasant to have their cat lounging in the fireplace, or they may simply not want their cat to have access to that area of the house. Regardless of the reason, it’s important to remember that it’s okay to set boundaries and establish areas of the house that are off-limits to your cat.

Here are some tips on how to keep your kitty out of the fireplace and keep your home safe:

1. Keep the fireplace closed and covered

One of the easiest ways to keep cats out of the fireplace is to make sure it’s closed and covered when not in use. This can be as simple as placing a screen in front of the opening, or using a glass door to block off the area.

If you do use a screen, make sure it’s securely in place and can’t be easily pushed aside by your curious cat. You might also want to consider using a cover or cap to block off the chimney when the fireplace is not in use. This will help prevent your cat from climbing up into the chimney and getting stuck.

2. Use deterrents to keep your cat away

If your cat is particularly determined to get into the fireplace, you may need to use some deterrents to keep them away. There are a few different options you can try, including:

  • Citrus scents: Cats are notoriously sensitive to strong smells, and many find the scent of citrus fruits to be particularly unpleasant. Try placing a few slices of lemon or orange near the fireplace opening, or use a citrus-scented air freshener to keep your cat away.
  • Double-sided tape: Cats don’t like the sticky feeling of double-sided tape, and it can be an effective deterrent for keeping them out of certain areas. Simply place a strip of tape around the fireplace opening, or on the hearth where your cat likes to sit.
  • Noise-making devices: Some cats are scared off by loud noises, so you might try using a noise-making device to keep them away from the fireplace. There are a variety of options available, including ultrasonic devices that emit a high-pitched sound that only cats can hear.

3. Provide your cat with plenty of alternative options

If your cat is constantly trying to get into the fireplace, it may be because they’re bored or looking for something to do. In this case, it’s important to provide them with plenty of alternative options to keep them entertained. This can include things like scratching posts, toys, and comfortable places to sleep.

By giving your cat plenty of things to do, you can help keep them distracted and reduce the chances that they’ll try to get into the fireplace.

4. Train your cat to stay away from the fireplace

Another option is to try and train your cat to stay away from the fireplace. This can be done using a combination of positive reinforcement and redirection.

For example, when you see your cat heading towards the fireplace, try calling them over to you and offering them a treat or toy. This will help teach them that coming to you is more rewarding than trying to get into the fireplace.

You can also try redirecting their attention by offering them a different activity or object to play with. This can help keep them occupied and prevent them from getting into mischief.

5. Keep your cat safe by using a fireguard

Finally, if you do use your fireplace regularly and want to make sure your cat stays safe, consider using a fireguard. These are designed to prevent your cat from getting too close to the flames, and can be an effective way to keep them safe while still allowing you to enjoy the warmth and ambiance of your fireplace.

There are a variety of fireguard options available, ranging from simple screens to more elaborate barriers. Just make sure to choose one that is the right size and shape for your fireplace, and that is securely in place whenever the fireplace is in use.


In conclusion, keeping your cat out of the fireplace can be a challenge, but it’s an important one for the safety of your furry friend. By using the tips outlined above, you can help keep your cat safe and prevent them from getting into mischief around the fireplace. Remember to keep the fireplace closed and covered when not in use, use deterrents to keep your cat away, provide your cat with plenty of alternative options, train your cat to stay away from the fireplace, and consider using a fireguard to keep your cat safe. With a little effort, you can successfully keep your cat out of the fireplace and ensure that they stay safe and sound.

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